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  • Bluebell Railway
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Free as in beer! This upload can be used in commercial and non commercial projects.
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Guaranteed Availability: Yes. The author has waived the right to delete this upload
Custom Conditions: None

When I started creating the route I didn't think for one minute that it would be finished or that I would be sharing it, so I have used rather a lot of route that I had acquired over the years. Some that have downloaded my original published route complained, that it cost them £40 plus and it wasn't really worth it.
So if you haven't already got the route I've used the this route won't be free.

Routes Required:- Edinborough-Glasgow / London - Brighton / Settle - Carlisle / Portsmouth direct line / Bristol - Exeter / West Coast mainline north / Falmouth Branch /
The Riviera line: Exeter - Paignton

You will also need my Bluebell Railway asset packs, which are FREE, to be loaded into a Assets/Bluebell Railway/ Scenery / Folder

I haven't tried uploading these files before so I hope all goes according to plan and you can enjoy this route.
I have created some scenarios, one of which is a two train Quick drive.

I'm not sure whether I can sort out any problems but hopefully some one on this site can.

Enjoy 1vor

This download was added on Sun Aug 07, 2016 2:59 pm by 1vor-russell
Last download Mon Sep 16, 2024 6:05 pm
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Scanned on: Sun Aug 07, 2016 2:00 pm

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