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Troubleshooting a dumping asset...

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 8:02 pm
by JamesLit
Right, I'm struggling... again. As usual. :lol:

So - I have recently been exporting assets for the BR 52 Volume 1 into TS as scenery objects just for troubleshooting and to ensure the effects are working as intended (normals and speculars etc) and ensure that there aren't any UV issues, face issues, and so on and so forth. As you do.

However, the Tiger I tank asset, for some reason, consistently dumps the game. I have no idea why. Anything that uses it as a child object, for example, also dumps the game. RW_Tools and LogMate reveal nothing (LogMate literally just says "dump taken" - yes, all over what little remaining hope I had left! :lol:) and I don't really know where else to look! The model in 3DS Max has been processed in exactly the same way as I always do it. It doesn't have obscene poly counts or anything like that, it's only 20,000 polys, and it can't be a texture issue as the textures (one diff and one norm) have exported faultlessly and they're reasonably sized. The geo exports without errors as well. I've tried dividing the mesh into 3 objects rather than 2 for a better division of the total poly count but that hasn't helped either.

Anyone any ideas? I really don't know how else to troubleshoot this.

Re: Troubleshooting a dumping asset...

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 10:51 pm
by TrabantDeLuxe
How does it behave when you go into the blueprint editor, right click the .igs, and make a quick scenery blueprint? Try both preview and exporting it in-game.

Had a similar issue a while back. What 3d package do you use (edit: never mix beer and trying to be insightful on fora...)? Some troubleshooting advice for max:

  • Collapse the stack on everything. Just save it as a pre-export model anyways if you like your modifier stacks.
  • Tools, reset X-form. Remember to collapse the stack.
  • Check the naming and hierarchy.

But then you've probably done all of the above I would guess...

Re: Troubleshooting a dumping asset...

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 3:14 pm
by JamesLit
All very good suggestions but sadly none have yielded results! :(

Previously the model was formed of 3 objects. So, in addition to your suggestions, I tried exporting each individually, with the others not included, and they all had the same issue. I then tried attaching them all together, and that still didn't work. :?

Re: Troubleshooting a dumping asset...

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 3:52 pm
by TrabantDeLuxe
One thing I can think of is merging your cute little tank into a new scene and then try exporting it again. Are you sure all materials are set up correctly? It's somewhere in a stupid detail usually.

Re: Troubleshooting a dumping asset...

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 4:40 pm
by JamesLit
I've tried the merging into a new scene and that's given me no luck. As for the materials, well, I'm not really sure what there is to do wrong - it's the first material slot, it's applied to the object, it's got a diffuse and normal map as it should (using TrainBumpSpec.fx), the texture locations are set correctly, it doesn't have anything silly done to any of the settings like viewer facing etc... don't really know what else to look for, there's little I've even put in in the first place! :?

Re: Troubleshooting a dumping asset...

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 6:39 pm
by AndiS
You need to think hard about what the three objects share, if they all fail. I can only think of the material. So I would make a copy and give it the most dumb one possible, like Tex. If that fails again, then you have reused something, but no idea how you would. But you might.

Or it is something funny in the project, like a blank at the end of some file name or a non-ascii character that is dislike by one software but not by the other. Anything else you could get wrong consistently?

Any odd change to produce untextured triangles in all three objects, by something you did to each of them?

Sounds all pretty stupid but then again, the cause must be stupid.

Re: Troubleshooting a dumping asset...

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 7:40 pm
by JamesLit
Dumb question but does TS support full stops in folder names...? :lol:

Re: Troubleshooting a dumping asset...

PostPosted: Wed Apr 06, 2016 7:44 pm
by JamesLit
No. No it does not. It most definitely does not support full stops in folder names. Sod me for trying to name them correctly. :lol: